Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rich people can't get rich without the government. They have more money so they shouled pay. Poor people don't have any money Rich people have better homes. Rich people should have higher taxes. They have more expensive stuff. How do rich people get so much money? I would tell all the rich people to stop being rich! i'm really jealous of you guys! Poor people don't have money. Rich people should give money to poor people. Poor people need good homes. Rich people people should give poor people good food. Rich people have better homes. Rich people have expensive new things. You Rich people have nice things. You rich people have a big bank account. They have more and expensive things. rich people shouled have higher taxes

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I read Joey Pigza swallowed the key by Jack Gantos
  The main charater of the story is Joey Pigza

   Joey's mom was talking to Joey and said to him don't lose this key alright. Joey said ok mom. Mom got a string and tied the string thur the hole of the key and tied it around joey's neck and joey went off to school.When  joey was in the class room one of his  friends saw the key around his neck and told joey I will give you one dollor if you swallow that key? Joey said ok I'll try. so when class started Joey was playing with the key in his mouth and he yanging the kay out of his mouth then he put it back in. Joey was thinking of the thing his friend told his to do so joey untied the sting to the kay and his friend gave joey a one dollor bill.   

  Everybody thought joey was wired and a nice kid but joey is a good kid he just needs to go have a check up of his brain if he's crazy.Last time when he was at the hospital the doctor gave him medicin and they were pills and sins joey went back to school he wa still a hyper kid like he won't stop being really silly in class. Joey always get in troble for being a joke in class teachers would get very mad at him and tell his to pay attention. Sins Joey's medicin wasen't working for him he went back to the doctor and gave him and this time it's a pach to put on joey's body to help him calm him down and after that Joey finally went back to school and people were saying to him welcome back Joey was very happy and not being all hyper anymore because the doctor helped him and the pach on Joey's body.

Read...Joey Pigza sallowed the key!

 I think people should read this book-Joey Pigzia swallowed the key-because it's like very intertaining and like a troble maker in class. I'm geussing people ages 10 & 11 can read this book because it's a troble maker, interesting and a funny book to read. This book can be perfect for 4th or 5th graders to read because they can be troble maker easly.