Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Call it Courage

 The person that wrote call it courage is Armstrong sperry. Mafatu lives on an island and he lives with his mom and his brother. When mafatu was 3 his mom died at sea. Then When mafatu was 13 he started to take care of himself and some with his brother. Mafatu was getting bullyed by his brother because mafatu is scared of the water that sounds like thunder thats's how mafatu's mom died. Mafatu's brother keeps calling his coward and not being brave mafatu was getting upset so he started thinking that he should run away from the island so he went on a conu with his dog uri and he pateld away. When mafatu was dar away the sea god mona told mafatu something. The next day mafatu realized a island he found so he went straght to that island and he tried looking for other people but he coulden't see so mafatu climbed up a mountain and he tried to look for a hut and mafatu did so he climbed back down and looks

The Theme

  The theme..when Mafatu was 3 years old mafatu's mother died. Mafatu's fear is the sea mafatu wasen't that brave enough. His big brother keeps calling him coward and he's not brave. Mafatu didn't want to get made fun of by his brother. Mafatu becomes braver because of all the things happend is the book.

I think 7th graders and other people should read Call it Courage because it's an adventure book it's maybe good for people who likes ro go on adventurs with there dog or something. Call it courage has some words u can't understand so try to sound it out. Tell other people about the book like tell them it's a adventure book. My favorite part was when mafatu was saving his dog uri from this big shark.