Tuesday, October 30, 2012

  1. Regilyn,The Best Doctor There Ever Was! When I grow up I think I'd make a great doctor I've always enjoyed helping my faimly if their sick. One of my favorit things to do is asking people iftheir ok and giving them a band - aid if there hurt. I even have some experience at reasarching illnesses. Thesis Statement I'm really good with my family, I like helping people and I like to learn , therefore, i will be the best doctor that ever was! Family Life has always come naturally to me. There was that time when I took care of my dad when he was sick I'm always healthy because I take care of myself. Whenever I get sick, I drink medicine. being able to learn is the firts step along the path to becoming a doctor. Helping people is another thing I really enjoy. It's so exciting to see people get well. When I'm helping I feel like I'm needed . I am to my family, what a doctor is to a patient. Being able to helping people for the rest of my life would be happy! Learning takes a special talent. I gained a lot of experience at school and at the hospital. I learned a lot about the human body. For example, in science class I about body parts. The time I spent in the hospital is sure to give me an advantage when it comes to becoming a doctor

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Perfect Paragraph Practice: Unicorns vs. Pegasus Poop Debate

I think Pegasus poops out rainbows and unicorns don’t. Pegasus has wings and be can go up in the sky and poop out a rainbow. Unicorns, they don’t fly, they stay on the ground. Unicorns have this long horn on the top of their heads. The Unicorns’ horns can touch water and cure sickness. The reason Pegasus came down to earth and pooped out a rainbow is because the  Gods sent him down and gave the people a gift to see in the sky.